Jars and amphorae
Showing 1–50 of 83 results
Terracotta amphora | VAS054
Antique jar | ZIR134
Antique terracotta jar | ZIR132
Particular and rare antique jar | ZIR126
Antique and rare jar | ZIR111
Antique amphora with two handles | ZIR225
Antique amphora | ZIR224
Antique jar | Zir223
antique jar dated 1952 | ZIR222
Antique terracotta jar | ZIR221
Antique jar | ZIR220
Antique terracotta jar | ZIR086
Antique amphora | ZIR064
Amphora with wide mouth | ZIR050
Glazed amphora | ZIR058
Amphora with handles | ZIR052
Terracotta amphora | ZIR051
Antique jar datet 1899 | ZIR195
Antique jar | ZIR016
Antique jar dated 1954 | ZIR104
Antique terracotta jar | ZIR102
Small antique jar | ZIR053
Antique jar from Impruneta | ZIR208
Antique jar with small rose windows | zir206
Antique jar with festoons | ZIR205
Antique terracotta jar | ZIR203
Antique Tuscan jar | ZIR202
Antique jar | ZIR198
Antique pair of jars | ZIR196
Antique terracotta jar | ZIR190
Antique terracotta jar | ZIR189
Small amphorae | ZIR186
Ancient jar dated 1864 | ZIR185
Antique jar dated 1905 | ZIR183
Old terracotta jar | ZIR182
Antique amphora | ZIR175
Antique jar enamelled inside | ZIR174
Antique amphora from Umbria | ZIR172
Antique terracotta amphora | ZIR171
Antique amphora | ZIR170
Pair of terracotta pots | ZIR160
Small antique jar | ZIR140
Old terracotta jar dated 1878 | ZIR129
Antique terracotta jar | ZIR128
Antique jar Impruneta manufacture | ZIR123
Antique vessel | ZIR117
Pair of terracotta jars
Terracotta jar | ZIR113
Little ancient terracotta jar |ZIR105
Antique Montelupo jar | ZIR100
Among the most representative objects in the production of terracotta (crockery) the antique jars are certainly the most important.
The first apparitions of the antique jars date back to around 1600, in the ancient families of Florentine and Sienese nobles. Today it is an object mainly dedicated to adorn gardens or the interior of villas and residences, but in the past days was also to contain oil, wine, and even wheat, in these cases it is also called ziro, it has a more tapered shape and it is glazed inside.
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